Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The World

The world is starting to change. Everything is starting to change. From the people attitude to people and to society itself.

I have notice that recently, from what i have heard in school, there are always a lot of problem with friends. Friends getting angry. Not to mention, there are even cases where people fight over stupid things and ending a relationship just like that. It is quite hard to believe that the world and ended up like it is currently. I remember just a few years ago. Everybody was all right. Everybody know and respected each other. Now if I were to compare to the same class but different year. That is already gone.

I remember 3 years ago in 2G, nothing much has happen. Problems with friends that happen in class were minimum. I don't remember obscene things happening in the class ranging from people touching each other ass to dirty talk. It just show that society and the modern day influence is just horrible.

I just read a few minutes ago that 2G which is currently known as mesra have all these problems about people scolding and doing stupid things. I personally don't believe that any of this is actually necessary. Even the fact that they publish what they think about a guy on the internet. It just goes to show that people barely do it manually by just saying it on the spot. They just are not capable of doing that now. They rather just express it on the net.

The world is becoming a hostile place for something like an honest relationship. Friendship. I barely see that exist anymore. Hardly, do u see students now a days doing something sincere. Doing something honest and trustable to friends. Insult is something all too normal now a days.

Students now a day still willing start the game call "Dating". According to me, it just not right dating at this age. Nothing is right about it. I know that some people will say that i am saying this just because i have never dated and there is a reason too. I heard that people just cannot stick to their own principle. Their own rule they have created for themselves.

They have never bother to think about the consequences from their action and their words. They would do stupid things such as hanging out in school and with friends they don't even trust that much as their friends. They want to belong in the modern world. Then again, it is not even right. They don't really have true friends. They are just trying to fit in. They might hate what they are doing but at the end of the day, the main point is just to have someone there.

To know that somebody is there. They have to realize that things are not meant to be like that. It is suppose to be sincere, honest and truth friends. That is something the world lag off.

The influences of these internet and blogging has just gone over board. There are a lot of things that i have seen that parents spoilt there kids. I have seen it a lot. Ranging from camps and from people i see everyday.

Walking past some of them, i just can't bare they fact that they are just so spoilt. I can't even believe that their parents can watch their own son or daughter becoming so spoilt. It is unimaginable. I can see that everything the lower forms are just getting worst and worst. I will not doubt it, in a few years time if i come back to SMK Batu Lintang after my further study. I don't think i will know this school anymore.

There are so many changes that have happen since i have entered the school. It seems like a terrible nightmare to see the very school which i have seen as quite ok to becoming a dump. Just like an apple with a worm in it. It might look quite ok form the outside, but slowly as the worm eat the apple inside, it will become rotten. Soon, when the worm is exposed, it will be too late.


Eric Sng said...

its not that we dont want to talk face to face. Its because we cant. For me, i myself would rather post it on net and ask him to read, rather than tell it myself in person. We're worried abt him, thats why we dont want to hurt him. But then again, we want to change him. So we have no point but to post it on net.

Tracy said...

whoa, dude that is DEEP